Sunday, October 14, 2007

What we the people want

We want our nation to be a nation of people not head piece politicians that are willing to sell us out and dilute this great nation.

We want to take it back a live as the greatest nation on this planet.

We have slowly and systematically been sold and more and more of our rights removed from us.

Please understand that each and every signal one of us make or unmakes our nation what it is.

Take action and be a part of your great nation. Do not set on the side lines and watch it pass.

Your nation counts on you and your children will have a much better place to live in. You will also set an unforgettable powerful example to your children that they are a part a huge part of their communities and nation. You will show them that they do not have to settle for to quietly curl up and be trampled on.

They do have a right to stand up for there rights and actively make a difference in their lives and the lives of their children.

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